Feb. 2 is known as Groundhog Day!!!
You remember Groundhog Day from when you were little! It's what they teach you in elementary school, you would celebrate it and draw pictures of groundhogs and whatnot.
Anyways, the legend goes that if the groundhog sees his shadow, we got 6 more weeks of winter. No shadow and it's an early spring! Funny how this little American holiday actually has some Native roots too it.
First off.. I never knew the groundhog's name: Punxsutawney Phil. (Gesundheit.. just kidding :P) Not exactly your average Joe name! The name is actually taken from the former inhabitants of the Appalachian Plateau. Not only that, but the fur of the groundhog was used the soles of moccasins!
Even the Wabanaki tribes had a mythological woodchuck in their legends, Grandmother Woodchuck who was a wise elder who taught many lessons.
I honestly never knew that the groundhog has such an extensive native background! I sort of wish they taught that in elementary school or at least put more emphasize on it! A little emphasize would be really awesome actually, American and Native Americans.. UNITE!
I am pretty tired.. whoops. Sleep!
Goodnight everyone!
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